Purpose: Provides the means for claimants to raise complaints and disputes against BRSM
Procedures, General – Disputes is herein defined as a difference of opinion between a prospect / client-organization or an Assessor or Technical Expert in BRSM. Complaint is an issue raised against BRSM in pursuit of action to satisfy the party raising the issue (on question).
BRSM recognize two types of complaints:
(a) A complaint about Operations of Certification or its exclusive assessment team members – branch offices, through the Management Staff deals with complaints in collaboration with exclusive professionals as an ad hoc committee. A complaint against a BRSM assessment team member may be construes a dispute (0830-02).
(b) Complaint against client-organizations – branch offices, the Management Staff, establishes an ad hoc committee involving GlobalNet Professionals, accreditation body member(s) and/or others. The client-organization needs be promptly informed once the complaint is proven valid.
Complaints take high priority action with the objective to solve the issue(s) promptly and properly documenting the incident. To raise a complaint, complainant should fill out the Complaint-Dispute Form-0830, and send the form to [email protected]., any communication used in causing the dispute or complaint must be attach to Form-0830.
Form-0830 is the document used to formally raise the complaint and submit to BRSM. Within three-days, We confirm received Form-0830, Open complaint or disputes that requiring further information or action are to be act upon (“follow-up), at BRSM within 15-work days.
Upon receiving a complaint without completed Form-0830, the MD will treat the complaint, as it deems reasonable, Deemed reasonably may imply filling a Form-0830 and attaching the communication received or directly communicating with the originator of the complaint to clarify, confirm and act.
Complaints are forward to BRSM technical professionals for filing, investigation and support. Arriving to a decision is the responsibility of the ad hoc delegate committee and with option to escalate to BRSM Turkey/BRS or in some cases the Impartiality committee/Board of Governance or accreditation body. When the complaint involves or directly affects Management Staff, the Management Staff members will not be part of the decision process in resolving the complaint.
Closing of complaint occurs after the specified ad hoc committee communicates with the complainant, and in gathering additional information as the case needs, and the ad hoc committee voted unanimously with a decision, and the management staff receiving such decision, either concurrently or informing the complainant by chosen branch offices internal authority. The ad hoc committee addresses and finalizes any valid complaint and informs the complainant.
Access to the Record of Complaints
Records on matters of complaints are confidential. No information is disclose outside the involve parties which includes complainant, branch offices and ad hoc committee members. Close Forms 0830 are available for a period of 7 years